viernes, 16 de octubre de 2009


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lunes, 11 de mayo de 2009

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Aplicaciones en Venezuela del tratamiento de las aguas residuales y su utilización


El aumento de la población mundial y el consiguiente aumento de las actividades económicas del hombre ha causado en muchas regiones del mundo una degradación del ambiente natural viéndose afectados el aire, el agua y en consecuencia los suelos fértiles. La descarga de contaminantes al medioambiente acuífero es causada fundamentalmente por actividades humanas, encontrándose diferentes tipos de fuentes contaminantes. Dentro de esta variedad de contaminantes se encuentra en primer término el agua residual proveniente de hogares y sistemas de alcantarillado, principalmente en las zonas densamente pobladas como son las áreas metropolitanas, así como también el agua proveniente de fábricas y oficinas. Con este libro pretendo presentar la situación de la aplicación del tratamiento de las aguas residuales en Venezuela

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2007

Waste water composition

To determine the composition of residual waters is made diverse physical, chemical and biological measures, between which they include the determination of the biochemical demand of oxygen (DBO5), the chemical demand of oxygen (DQO), pH, total nitrogen, the suspended detergents, total solids, total coliforms organisms and fecals coliforms organisms.

The DBO (Biochemical Demand of Oxygen) (COVENIN 2634: 89), present is the amount of oxygen required for the biochemical degradation of the organic material (carbon demand), as well as the amount of oxygen necessary to oxidize the inorganic material (ferrous sulfides, ions, etc.). The test also can measure the oxygen used in oxidizing reduced nitrogen forms (nitrogen demand) unless their oxidation is inhibited. The concentration of organic matter is moderate with analyses DBO5 and DQO.

The DBO5 is the amount of oxygen used by the microorganisms throughout a period of five days to disturb the organic matter of residual waters to a temperature of 20 °C. Of similar way, the DQO (Chemical Demand of Oxygen) (COVENIN 2634: 89) is the amount of required oxygen to hard oxidize the organic and inorganic matter in the sample with a chemical oxidant (normally in the middle acid potassium dichromate is used). The value of the DQO is always superior to the one of the DBO5 because many organic substances can oxidize chemically, but not biologically. The DBO5 usually is used to verify the laid-down load of municipal and industrial waters residual biodegradable, without treating and treated. The DQO is used to verify the residual water laid-down load that, or is not biodegradable or contains compound that inhibits the activity of the microorganisms.

pH measures the acidity of a residual water sample.

In residual waters, is great amount of organic matter and many of them contain nitrogen, reason why the residual water can present ammoniac nitrogen and organic nitrogen, the sum of both is total nitrogen. The microorganisms that are present in residual waters are very diverse; nevertheless, the determination of the most probable number of microorganisms (NMP) Fecal and Total Coliforms in 100 milliliter of sample gives an indication of the degree of contamination of the residual water.

The solid remainders include solids dissolved and in suspension. The dissolved solids are products able to cross a filter paper, and suspended those that cannot do it. The solids in suspension are divided as well in non-deposits, deposits and, depending on the number of milligrams of solid that are deposited from 1 liter of residual water in one hour. All these solids can be divided in volatile and fixed, being the volatile ones, generally, fixed organic products and mineral the inorganic matter or mineral.

B. Soledad